Monday, June 13, 2011

From Carly- One more image from Clark

One other goal of this project is to dress avatars with ideally complete outfits from our collection, which will involve some much needed large scale photography of artifacts. Trying to achieve an accurate drape, weight, and overall real 'feel' of the garments are things we want to strive for. We also want to be able to show the designs (that is, both iconography and structure in fabrics) in a way that is true to physical artifacts from the collection. We might be able to experiment with Maya cloth, I am also looking into a weaving design tool software called EAT that might be easily manipulated for our purposes. 

This diagram shows the inca state style and how all of the pieces would be worn to create a complete outfit


1. Ccorekente bird's feathers

2) tassel (puyllu) 

3) helmet (chucu) 

4) Sceptre (sunturpauccar) 

5) string (llaut)

6) Arillo (tulumpi) 

7) rapacejo (mascaipacha)

8) sun hat (phullu) 

9) small center (MacCane) 

10) Shield with your banner (pullcancca with huifala) 

11) Bracelet (chchipana) 

12) strip (TOPACE) 

13) Cup (llaccolla) 

14) flecadura (SACCSA) 

15) Sandal (usuta) 

16) metal plate (accorasi) 

17) robe or Tunic (uncu) 


1) brooch (tupayari) 

2) head covering (sukkupa or Nanaca) 

3) blanket or Mantle (lliclla)

4) pin (tupu) 

5) band (Tocapo) 

6) flowers (TTIC) 

7) Bag (chchuspa) 

8) Tunica (ACSU) 

9) Sandal (usuta)

- Carly

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