Thursday, July 14, 2011

female model


  1. Hi Dio,
    The male is really starting to look like an Inka! I prefer the version where the mantle is draped, but I'm not sure if that one will work so well when he starts moving around. A little more detail in his sling headband would be nice, the object isn't the same all around, it varies with the part of the sling you're looking at.
    With the woman: I don't believe Inka women wore headbands, maybe veils but not normally headbands. The tupus (shawl pins) connecting her shawl to her dress would have pointed towards her face (so just turn them around). This way when she's bending over a loom or something they wouldn't poke her in the stomach. Other than that it's coming together well, also, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
    - Jeanette

  2. I worked with Dio on this for several hours yesterday. Women definitely wore headbands, and they were positioned at that slightly different angle than a man's sling (its called alice style). I read a lot about it and asked Anne Tibali. There is no evidence of women wearing veils except for in guaman poma illustrations and it was probably only worn by Cuzco elite Inca, none have been found in situ (like on a figurine or mummy or something). I'm not sure about the direction of the tupu, but you make a good point about getting stabbed in the stomach. Dio said it would be too complicated to add any more detail to the man's sling.

    - Carly
